
If you live in our zip code area (see tekst below) , you can register immediately via our registration form at the bottom of this page. The processing of the registration will take about 1 workday.

What do you need?

During the registration we will ask for:

  • Your personal details
  • Your insurance details
  • Your medical history
  • Details about your previous general practitioner

Besides the registration form we will also ask for a copy of your ID and insurance card.

How to continue?

You have to notify your previous general practitioner that you leave the practice. You can ask them to send your medical information to us.

If you wish to do so, you can plan an acquaintance appointment. Please tell the assistant when you make the appointment. She will reserve some extra time for you.

Sharing information

If you register with the Doc, we ask you to indicate immediately whether you give permission
for data to be shared with other healthcare providers where you are being treated.

The required information is therefore available at the right time in the right place.

The information is shared via the National Exchange Point. For example, to have a correct medication file, it is nice if data can be shared with the pharmacy. If your own GP or pharmacy is not available, it is nice that information is available at the GP or service pharmacy.

This information can only be shared with your permission. We therefore ask you to indicate on the registration form whether you give permission to share your information via the LSP.

n.a. the information is shared in a secure manner. It has been established that the user only sees the information that is necessary for your treatment. The information can never be shared via the LSP with, for example, the health insurer, your company doctor or government parties. Do you want more information about what information is shared or do you have other questions. Then read the information folder on this page, or check out the following website. You can also see what information has been shared on this site and adjust your choice if necessary.

Zip code areas

You can only register as a patient in this clinic if you live in one of the next zip code areas:

Letter combinations within 2511

2511 BH up to and including BZ

2511 CB up to and including 2511 CJ

2511 DC en 2511 DG up to and including DP

2511 EG en 2511 EM up to and including EZ

2511 GA up to and including GT

2511 LA up to and including LC

2511 VE up to and including VX

2511 WB

2511 XB up to and including XZ

2511 ZA up to and including ZE


Letter combinations within 2512

2512 AE up to and including AZ

2512 BA up to and including BZ, with exception of BX

2512 CA up to and including CV

2512 DA up to and including DM and 2512 DX and DZ

2512 HJ

2512 JV

2512 KB


Letter combinations within 2515

2515 AA up to and including AZ

2515 BA up to and including BX

2515 CA up to and including DD

2515 GE, GX and 2515 GZ

2515 JZ

2515 KA up to and including XV


Letter combinations within 2595

2595 AC up and including AH

2595 AP

2595 AR

2595 TT up and including XX

Subscription form
Sluiten de Doc Huisartsen Den Haag
General address
de Doc Huisartsen Den Haag

Boomsluiterskade 299
2511 VJ The Hague

telefoon tijdens kantooruren

070 – 382 47 77

contact buiten kantooruren

070 – 346 96 69 (HADOKS)


070-381 80 48



de Doc Stationsweg
de Doc Boomsluiterskade
Register Go to the website