Consultations and other services

Repeat prescriptions
Telephonic consultations stopped
Consultations by the doctor’s assistant
Laboratory blood tests
Nurse practitioner for mental health
Questions to assistants


Opening hours
Online patientportal
Check your medical file at home
Selection menu / Telephonic availability
Contact outside opening hours

Other practice information

Aggression policy de Doc
Cookie policy de doc
Collaboration with the LUMC
Cooperation De Doc and Doc Haanstra

Health information

Do I need to see a doctor?
General practitioner in the Netherlands

Privacy and Complaints

Privacy Policy The Doc
Sluiten de Doc Huisartsen Den Haag
General address
de Doc Huisartsen Den Haag

Boomsluiterskade 299
2511 VJ The Hague

telefoon tijdens kantooruren

070 – 382 47 77

contact buiten kantooruren

070 – 346 96 69 (HADOKS)


070-381 80 48



de Doc Stationsweg
de Doc Boomsluiterskade
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